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Apartments for Rent in East Legon

There are 1307 apartments for rent available in East Legon. The average price is ₵21,462/month, while the cheapest apartment available starts at ₵707/month and the most expensive costs ₵150,000/month. These apartments are listed by verified realtors, property owners and well-known real estate developers.

Safety and security

Safety is very important when looking for property to rent. Certain neighbourhoods are known to be safer than others. It is best to start your search by looking at these areas first. Rooms for rent in East Legon, for instance, are sure to be safer than those in less known areas that are rarely patrolled by the police. Prioritize safety by picking a location that is easily accessible by the police, properly lit at night and has good roads. East Legon Hills is another location that is considered a safe location to live and work because of the prestige associated with the neighbourhood. Sometimes, it is good to have neighbors closeby so you might want to look at options like a two bedroom house which is located close to other houses.


Next to safety, cost is the next most important factor you should consider when looking to rent a property. All decisions in real estate boil down to budget. If for instance, you are searching for furnished apartments to rent, your budget will definitely be different from that or a person looking for a chamber and hall self-contain. It is best to have your finances in order even before you start searching for your dream property. Save for a longer period if necessary but always endeavour not to compromise of the factors that matter the most to you such as safety.

Proximity to transportation and business areas

Consider the flow of traffic to and from your proposed rental location when reviewing property options. Moving from Dansoman to Kwabenya in the morning, for instance, is usually against traffic but travelling the other way, that is from Kwabenya to Dansoman in the morning puts you smack in the middle of traffic. You want to find a place that has good access to bus stops, taxi ranks and developed roads.

Social amenities

ALways try to find a place that is close to social amenities like hospitals, malls, police stations or even the post office. A two bedroom self-compound that is close to these amenities will certainly be a great catch on your part.

East Legon is a great choice of neighbourhood to live in. There is a great network of roads, great food joints, offices of major companies, and lots more. Selecting East Legon in the search filter will give you access to all the wonderful apartments currently available for rent in the area. If you have a cap on your budget, that also, can be factored into your search: just set the price limit to your preferred amount and you'll only be shown apartments available for rent in East Legon within your budget. Here at meQasa, we constantly strive to make your search experience easy and stress-free!

Refine your search with our search tools or try these furnished options or the 3-bedroom offering in this area.

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